School Decentralization in the Context of Globalizing Governance

eBook - International Comparison of Grassroots Responses

Erschienen am 23.11.2006, Auflage: 1/2006
111,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781402047008
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 232 S., 1.17 MB
Format: PDF
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


Since the beginning of the 1980s, decentralization has become a globalized policy and catchword in education: a large number of countries around the world have formulated such a policy and many have also implemented it.The policies and the changes at the national level have been researched but what has taken place and is taking place at the grassroots level has not received attention until recently. This book presents grassroots casesfrom different countries against the background of the overall changes in governance philosophy and applications. It uses case studies from countries in Africa,Asia, Europe, and Latin America and describes what is occurring at this level.The book gives an account of different types of decentralization and their impact.The first two chapters describe principally structural and organizational educational changes in the broader context of globalized models and the pressure to create a competitive education system and changing governance. Decentralization is one of the strategic aspects of this new mode of governance.


Globalization and the Governance of National Education Systems.- How Does Educational Decentralization Work and What Has it Achieved?.- The State Gives, the State Takes: Educational Restructuring in Norway.- Steps of Educational Decentralization in Greece: between Delegation and Deconcentration.- School Autonomy in Nicaragua: Two Case Studies.- Decentralization in Senegal Ambiguous Agendas for Community Education.- Technocratic School Governance and South Africa's Quest for Democratic Participation.- Educational Decentralization in Mozambique: A Case Study in the Region of Nampula.- Decentralization and Community Participation: School Clusters in Cambodia.- People's Participation in School Governance? Realities of Educational Decentralization in Nepal.- Educational Governance: Comparison of Some Aspects.

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